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How to Write an Apology Email in German
Apologizing professionally in a formal email requires politeness, sincerity, and a clear explanation. Whether it’s for a mistake at work, a missed deadline, or a misunderstanding, writing an apology email correctly is essential in email writing in German.
1. Subject Line
A clear subject line ensures the recipient understands the email’s purpose:
"Entschuldigung für [Fehler/Verzögerung]" (Apology for [Mistake/Delay])
"Bitte um Entschuldigung – [Ihr Name]" (Apology Request – [Your Name])
2. Formal Greeting
Address the recipient professionally:
"Sehr geehrter Herr Weber," (Dear Mr. Weber,)
"Sehr geehrte Frau Hoffmann," (Dear Ms. Hoffmann,)
3. Acknowledge the Mistake
State the reason for the email and acknowledge the issue:
"Ich möchte mich aufrichtig für den Fehler entschuldigen, der in unserer letzten Korrespondenz passiert ist." (I sincerely apologize for the mistake that occurred in our last correspondence.)
"Es tut mir leid, dass es zu einer Verzögerung gekommen ist." (I am sorry that there has been a delay.)
4. Explain the Situation (If Necessary)
Provide a brief explanation of what happened:
"Aufgrund eines internen Missverständnisses wurde die Frist nicht eingehalten." (Due to an internal misunderstanding, the deadline was not met.)
"Ich habe die E-Mail versehentlich an die falsche Adresse gesendet." (I accidentally sent the email to the wrong address.)
5. Offer a Solution or Next Steps
Show that you are taking responsibility and offering a resolution:
"Ich werde sicherstellen, dass dies in Zukunft nicht mehr vorkommt." (I will ensure that this does not happen again in the future.)
"Wir arbeiten bereits an einer schnellen Lösung, um den Fehler zu korrigieren." (We are already working on a quick solution to correct the mistake.)
6. Express Regret and Reassure
Apologize once again and reassure the recipient:
"Nochmals entschuldige ich mich für die Unannehmlichkeiten und hoffe auf Ihr Verständnis." (Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience and hope for your understanding.)
"Ich bedauere die Situation zutiefst und werde alles tun, um das Problem zu lösen." (I deeply regret the situation and will do everything to resolve the issue.)
7. Professional Closing
End with a polite and professional tone:
"Ich hoffe, dass wir weiterhin gut zusammenarbeiten können." (I hope that we can continue to work well together.)
"Ich stehe Ihnen für weitere Fragen gerne zur Verfügung." (I am available for any further questions.)
8. Closing Salutation
Finish with a formal closing:
"Mit freundlichen Grüßen," (Best regards,)
"Mit besten Grüßen," (With best regards,)
By structuring your apology email professionally, you ensure that your email writing in German is effective, clear, and respectful, helping to maintain positive relationships.